Family and Children First Council
Every family deserves a sense that things are getting better, to feel safe, to feel heard and understood.
In Belmont County, we work together to do what is best for kids and families.
Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF) is a partnership of state and local government, communities and families that enhances the well-being of Ohio’s children and families by building community capacity, coordinating systems and services, and engaging families.
OFCF’s vision is for every child and family to thrive and succeed within healthy communities. Website: Ohio Family & Children First |
Belmont County Family and Children First (FCFC/Cluster) deals with difficult cases working in a coordinated, collaborative, cross-system approach. The individual family service coordination process is family focused and strengths based. The process attempts to effectively address their needs through a process that creates a unique intervention/treatment environment that eliminates duplication and provides both traditional services and builds natural supports.
Administrative Agent
Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services
68145 Hammond Rd.
St. Clairsville, OH 43950
(740) 695-1075
Council Chair
Christine Parker
(740) 579-0318
Council Coordinator
Stacie Brown
(740) 579-0345
Cluster Facilitator
Joey DiCesare
(740) 695-0407 x343